The right relationship for you: It's time to know how.
We help you to Breakup Brilliant - It's pretty simple but when emotions are involved, it can be anything but. It's about 'breaking up' with the relationship you have, to have the relationship you want. Whether that's with a current or ex partner or a new one!
Are we there yet? - We support you with all the tools you need to get there. Even if you don't know where 'there' is yet.
Knowing when it's time to go - Tough decisions . Although only you can choose, we help you choose what's right for you. No regrets.
I need some space - Giving you somewhere to run to, not run from. A safe place to say what you want and need to say and feel how you feel. No judgement here! Taking a break, pressing pause is great, as it allows us to turn down the volume and get perspective to 'figure things out' and understand WTF just happened.
How did I end up here? - Moving away from pain and towards pleasure - You guessed it, to 'get over it'. Stop getting what you don't want and start getting what you do. This is about changing the beliefs that don't serve you, patterns of behaviour, and habits. For good!
The short version....JC is a resilient & resourceful ‘ideas’ person. She has a unique ability to bring the right people, products & programs together to solve problems- fast. Over the past 20+ years, JC has built a 7 figure award winning Health & Wellness centre, is a Leaving Coach at her company, Breakup Brilliant: helping people 'breakup' with the relationships they have, to have the relationships they want. JC also has a business coaching company called Wellbusi (well/business) that helps entrepreneurs overcome sabotages, create the right relationships, maximise profit and impact and to leave a legacy - all without sacrificing their personal lives in the process. She has MC’d at the MCG, is a speaker & leader in the wellness tourism industry, headed up fitness, spas and health retreats. Worked at major sporting events, coached kids hockey and corporate leaders (not hockey, although that would be fun to watch!) and is an ambassador for a not for profit. She has also specialised in relationship management for startups (SaaS and FaaS).
'The Relationship Ninja'
Join on your own, with your partner (or ex) or our group of fellow humans who are in the same boat. Whatever state you are in, we come together for as long as you need to get through this.
The programs, membership and events are designed to help you decide to stay or go, to move through the stages to be relationship ready and have the relationships you want. We are non- judgemental, open and are ready when you are. Before you join, use the contact us page below and jump on a call with us to make sure we are a right fit for Breakup Brilliant and the Relationship Renovation Process. You are only one conversation away.
Let's Do Lunch
Speaking or Workshop Engagements
Business Coaching & Consulting
Breakup Brilliant Programs, Memberships & Retreats
“Come as you are & be who you want to be, and be with."
“Come with the business you have & have the business you want.”
At the time, JC was finding it challenging to run a business she loved and a life she loved. One or both suffered, (especially her relationships) and neither were 'well'. Wellbusi started as a business coaching business. (Well - Business) She soon figured out businesses don't need coaching, people do. There was a common theme - clients were going around in circles, repeating the same patterns of behaviour and beliefs over and over. This is when ‘Breakup Brilliant’ - an arm of Wellbusi was formed and JC became a ‘Leaving Coach’ helping people 'breakup' with themselves and leave these patterns behind. JC believes there was no such thing as a ‘successful business’ or a ‘successful relationship’, only successful people. Wellbusi helps everyday people grow extraordinary businesses and specialises in sales solutions, the customer journey and retention -without sacrificing personal life. Breakup Brilliant specialises in relationship\s and personal life ‘breakaways’ creating ‘breakthroughs’! Relationship Renovations.
JC is never ‘idol’; she lives wherever the wind takes her as she loves to travel and has some amazing stories. Her top values are connection, awareness, open-ness, thoughtfulness, challenges, travel and fun. A Hockey and Touch Rugby player, lover of Yoga, Pilates, Boxing, Cycling and has done Triathlons, Charity runs and rides her 'pushie' for transport and for charity. Her life is a story built for a Hollywood movie with part romantic comedy, part tragedy, drama, documentary and action elements thrown in. Oh, and in several different languages.
“I had it all. Great life, friends, husband, money, business of my dreams but somewhere along the way, and somehow, I f*d it all up! It’s supposed to be the dream, right? Being in a beautiful marriage, being your own boss, having freedom, flexibility, making a positive impact on the world and other people's lives and no ceiling on your finances? But no one said it would be so tough and for the most part, so lonely. No one told me about the warning signs, to ‘future proof’, or to find a coach that really understood me – all of me, my habits, my health, fitness, what made me tick, my sabotages, my relationships. My heart and my mind. Someone who supported me to strengthen my strengths and delegate my weaknesses. Plus, someone who also understood my business. Not only how to run a successful one (and someone who had also actually done that) AND who had failed as well! I needed a unicorn. So, I became one :) I wanted to implement the ‘to do’s’ and understand and stop doing the ‘not to do’s’. Many coaches are one sided, they have never actually been through it all. A ‘fair weather’ coach as I call them. I had built a very successful 7 figure business in the Wellness industry but at what cost? Something major happened…
I got f*d. Frustrated. Fatigued. Fed up. I didn’t want that to happen, but it did. I lost everything. My health, my friends, my husband, then years later, my partner, my career, my home. I was hanging onto one thing though. With everything life threw at me, I welcomed it. I knew I had to gather everything I had learned, and worked on my mind before I lost that too. I knew I had to go right through the middle- the hard stuff. I am glad I did, as I came out the other side even better than before and it made me into the person I am today. Able to help others on a deeper level. How to run a successful life, including a successful business. I share my journey and teach others in three areas: Relationships, Business and Legacy - becoming the person you want to be in any/all of these areas.
1. Overcome obstacles. Cut through all the confusion in the chaos.
2. Simplify and reclaim your life. Especially in, or after a crisis or set back.
3. Create and live your life on your terms.
-Your no b.s fast track to maximise your Impact, Inspiration & Income and most importantly your “I”.
“You are not alone. I started off with a vision, a dream and inspiration coming out of everywhere! But…then what? Shit! How do I do all this on my own? I have a saying… sometimes you win, every time you learn. Your purpose, your career, your relationships, your life, your living, can give you the freedom to do more of what you love, make a difference to people's lives and enable you to live a life YOU LOVE. If you are willing to do what it takes to get there, I am willing to do what it takes to help you get there.
JC’s mission extends out to non-profit organisations like the Hands Group. Personally raising funds for the charity. She is a speaker and bike ride ambassador with Hands Across the Water. JC also donates a % of profits to projects and animal rescue and rehabilitation worldwide. Head here for her story and how you can help!
In this updated edition, JC reveals his greatest secrets to generating leads and selling products and services after running tens of thousands of his own split tests.
Stop repelling potential customers. Implement these processes, funnels, frameworks, and scripts now so you can fix your funnel, turn it into the most profitable member of your team, and grow your company online.
In this updated edition of Expert Secrets, JC gives you the step-by-step strategies you need to turn your expertise into a carefully crafted sales message that will attract your dream customers.
Don’t hide inside your business. Implement these story selling techniques now so you can find your voice and gain the confidence to become a leader, build a movement of people whose lives you can change, and make this calling a career.
JC reveals the classic and foundational direct marketing techniques that will allow you to be at the front of the new trends, see opportunities that are invisible to most everyone else, and master the emerging tactics before most people even know they exist.
Don’t wait for people to come to you. Implement these evergreen traffic strategies now so you can find your people and focus on changing their world with the products and services that you sell.
If you have a new business idea, this workbook will help you flesh it out. If you have an existing business, Unlock the Secrets will ensure it’s set up correctly. And even if you think you know everything there is to know about funnels, this workbook will give you the golden nugget strategies to grow your company to the next level.
When you’ve finished reading the Secrets trilogy and filled out this entire workbook, you will have a solid business plan, step-by-step strategies to implement it, and a new-found excitement to do the things necessary to move the needle forward in your life and in your business.